Monday, December 14, 2009

Soul within Soul


The colors of the
Advent candles
remind me of what I pray
we will truly come
to believe and experience
our soul within His,
each and every moment of our existence...

sculpture: "Grip of Grace" by Alex Tee

pink = our soul
purple = God's

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Faith Like His Love

"My love for you is taller than the tallest mountain

deeper than the deepest ocean

wider than the widest horizon.

May your faith in me
be as tall
and as deep
and as wide
as my love for you..."

- Jesus

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Therese and the Garden

.....In honor of St. Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897)

“...I understand how all the flowers God has created are beautiful, how the splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not take away the perfume of the violet or the delightful simplicity of the daisy. I understand that if all flowers wanted to be roses, nature would lose her springtime beauty, and the fields would no longer be decked out with little wild flowers. So it is in the world of souls, Jesus' garden. He has created smaller ones and those must be content to be daisies or violets destined to give joy to God's glances when He looks down at His feet. Perfection consists in doing His will, in being what He wills us to be.” - St. Therese

"Yes, my Beloved, it is thus that my life's brief day shall be spent before Thee. No other means have I of proving my love than to strew flowers; that is, to let no little sacrifice escape me, not a look, not a word, to avail of the very least actions and do them for Love. I wish to suffer for Love's sake and for Love's sake even to rejoice; thus shall I strew flowers. Not one shall I find without shedding its petals for Thee...and then I will sing, I will always sing, even if I must gather my roses in the very midst of thorns - and the longer and sharper the thorns the sweeter shall be my song." - Story of a Soul, Chapter XI

"In times of aridity when I am incapable of praying, of practicing virtue, I seek little opportunities, mere trifles, to give pleasure to Jesus; for instance a smile, a pleasant word when inclined to be silent and to show weariness. If I find no opportunities, I at least tell Him again and again that I love Him; that is not difficult and it keeps alive the fire in my heart. Even though this fire of love might seem extinct I would still throw little straws upon the embers and I am certain it would rekindle." - XVI letter to her sister Celine

"Without love, deeds even the most briliant, count as nothings." - Story of a Soul, Chapter VIII.

"I have not the courage to force myself to seek beautiful prayers in books; not knowing which to choose I act as children do who cannot read; I say quite simply to the good God what I want to tell Him, and He always understands me." - Story of A Soul, Chapter X

"But on whom shall our poor heart lavish its love? Who shall be found that is great enough to be the recipient of its treasures? Will a human being know how to comprehend them, and above all will he be able to repay? There exists but one Being capable of comprehending love; it is Jesus; He alone can give us back infinitely more than we shall ever give to him." - Letter to her cousin, Marie Guerin

"There is no artist who does not like his work praised, and the Divine Artist of souls is pleased when we do not stop at the exterior, but penetrating even to the inmost sanctuary which He has chosen for His dwelling, we admire its beauty." - Story of A Soul, Chapter IX (photo by H. Sy)

"The good God does not need years to accomplish His work of love in a soul; one ray from His Heart can, in an instant, make His flower bloom for eternity..." - VI letter to her sister Celine

"Love attracts love, mine rushes forth unto Thee, it would fain fill up the abyss which attracts it; but alas! it is not even as one drop of dew lost in the Ocean. To love Thee as Thou lovest me I must borrow Thy very Love - then only, can I find rest." - Story of A Soul, Chapter XI

Thank you God, for the beauty of her soul!

Relic of St. Therese


Friday, August 28, 2009

Song for the Journey

...a beautiful song for the journey...


I know not where the road will lead
I follow day by day
Or where it ends, I only know
I walk the King's highway. 
I know not if the way is long
And no one else can say
But rough or smooth, up hill or down
I walk the King’s highway.

And some I love have reached the end
But some with me may stay
Their faith and hope still guiding me
I walk the King’s highway.

The way is truth, the way is love,
For light and strength I pray,
And through the years of life, to God,
I walk the King’s highway.

The countless hosts lead on before
I must not fear nor stray
With them, the pilgrims of the faith
I walk the King’s highway.

Through light and dark the road leads on
Till dawns the endless day
When I shall know why in this life
I walk the King’s highway.

- E.A. Cummins, 1922

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Honoring in the Present

It was interesting to listen to the praises being now being heaped on Michael Jackson for his contributions to music and to the world. There was an outpouring of sincere gratitude for the many ways his music and even some of his personal qualities have made a difference in people's lives. My one big takeaway while watching the memorial service last night was that how much more wonderful it is if we are able to honor persons who make a difference in our life, while they are still around and are able to receive our expressions of gratitude and love.

"One of the saddest things in life is a kind word left unsaid," is a saying from a childhood book marker that has stuck in my mind all these years. I use these words to prod me on whenever I hesitate to compliment someone who has influenced my life in a positive way but whom I am quite timid to express my thoughts to. Or, when I am so busy and tempted to put off communicating a praise or a kind word for another day.

Oftentimes, the extra effort to reach out and honor someone actually turns out to be just what the other person needed badly at that moment. Unknown to us, they could be undergoing a low period in their life and our casual affirmations of their good qualities goes a long way in lifting them up. That last kind phrase that we honor them with may make all the difference in their sense of well-being, without our even being aware that that is what would happen.

If only Michael Jackson, who felt ridiculed and judged harshly by the world, was able to hear the volumes of praises and kind words about him that are coming out now. It may have made him less defensive, less wary of everything around him.

This makes me once again resolve to be more generous and spontaneous in honoring and saying kind words to people who have made a difference. Yes, a kind word given to a living person is worth much more than a million praises expressed to one who has already left this world...

Happy honoring!

Friday, June 26, 2009

In Our Small Way

There's an old song sung by a then very young Michael Jackson that I love listening to because of its simple but rich lyrics. The world and all it's problems are too big for even great leaders of nations to overcome. But love (for our Lord) starts with small steps.. and "we still can change some things today, in our small way".


Empty words are not enough
Where there's hurt, we'll be a crutch
When there's thirst, we'll fill each other's cup
Because we care, we love enough to share

In despair we'll be the hope
And the prayer that frees the soul
We'll be there to share each lonely road
Because we love, I know we care enough

Just a little time is all it takes
What a difference just a smile can make you'll see
Love is all we need

Maybe you and I can't do great things
We may not change the world in one day
But we still can change some things today
In our small way

(by Beatrice Verdi and Christine Yarian)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Walking on Water

There are days when worry creeps into me, especially when I feel that I am not able to be as productive and effective as I would like to be at work. The feeling is there not because of lack of effort in trying, but more because of my age-old, hard to get rid of habit of self-doubt!

Today is one such day. So I did what I knew I had to do - visit the Blessed Sacrament and sit in front of our Beloved Lord's True Presence. While with Him, the gospel scene of Peter being called by the Lord to walk on water, gently came to mind. 100% Faith. 100% Trust. Believing that He dwells in the inmost core of our being and is always with us, moving us in the direction He wants, when we allow Him to take over. If doubts creep in, we will get that sinking feeling. But with faith in His deep love and constant presence with us, we can, like Peter, actually walk on water!

"Dearest Lord, please do the work like You have so often assured me You desire to do. Help me to overcome my all my self-doubts and to develop 100% Faith in You. Unlike Peter, help me to reach the point where I even forget I am walking on water, because I feel secure from the deepest part of me, that You and I always walk together."

The journey of commitment to 100% Faith starts now. At the very least, it's worth taking a first step..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In His Pleasure

"I believe that God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. When I run it is in His pleasure." - Eric Liddell

The movie "Chariots of Fire" is my all-time favorite, and the quote from Eric Liddell about feeling God's pleasure when he would run is really one of the best lines ever! If only each and every one of us could be fully aware of what exactly is the unique and special talent that God has specifically given us, and make developing it and living it out our life's focus. If only like Eric Liddell, we could really feel God's pleasure as we do that which we are really good at.

Inside and outside of my workplace, I love observing and discovering what strengths and gifts people have within them, witnessing how these unfold - get nurtured, stretched, the good effects creatively spread to a wide base of others, and become concrete examples of God's enlivening spirit flowing through people. It is easy to imagine God smiling at what goes on and feeling great pleasure over His gifts planted in the person when its wings spread and take flight.

It's also like the petals of a beautiful flower opening up to our Creator God and basking in His pleasure.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Into Your Hands

Sometimes one can be so sure about one's desire to live a life fully for God, but quite unsure about what would be the best way for this to happen. Unsure and at times impatient, wanting things to be clear right away, wanting to jump right into action so that one can feel that at least one is DOING something.

When to take action and when to stay still? When to reach out in service to others and when to reach out through quiet but active prayer? When to take courageous moves in new directions outside of the comfort zone, and when to just wait with full trust that He will cue when the timing is right? When to DO... and when to just BE...

It is harder to keep still, to just BE for the meantime, and to listen. To be mindful that timing is His, that the WHEN and the HOW will come when He decides to let it be known.

The different Holy Week recollection talks as well as homilies the past days centered around the theme of God loving us first and how loving Him back calls us to love others, especially those who are in great need of help, more concretely. To love in the way He loves. Or at least, to keep trying to do so. It is easy to desire to live this truth, but much more difficult to live this out concretely, consistently, creatively and true to what He intends for us.

With all of these in mind, I find some consolation from the verses of a simple song we learned in grade school, and which also contain the final of the Seven Last Words of Jesus on the cross:

"Into Your Hands, I commend my spirit Oh Lord
Into Your Hands, I commend my life"

I surrender my life to Him, trusting that He will help me properly discern His will.

For now, I will just BE... in His Hands.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Looking Forward

Lent began with an effort on Ash Wednesday to fast from any intake of food or liquid for 12 hours. It was easier said than done especially since the office environment is one where food is the favorite pastime of everyone. Come the 12th hour, I was already dizzy from the hunger but was able to draw strength from within to overcome it. The experience made me realize that strength of will is something that we can cultivate with conscious effort and with prayer.

The past few weeks I've felt my heart stirred many times and in many ways both during and outside of prayer. It's been such a graced season. "Dear Lord, how truly present you are!" I've found myself saying to Him. "How true it is that You love us first." I long to curl up like a little child and rest "in the palm of his Hand" like the prayer goes. And this while remembering His great sacrifice of love as concretized by His suffering and death on the cross.

My resolve to lay my whole being at His feet and offer the rest of my life for Him to use as He pleases is as strong as ever. And like the fasting experience, the strength to make good this offering will have to come from conscious effort, much prayer and a continued going back to the experience of being loved by Him first.

"Oh dearest, dearest Lord, make me worthy of your Love. Teach me to want only what You want, to live and work only in the way You want me to do so, to be open to everything from and for You..."

A "SAMPLE" way of living for Him, until it becomes clearer how else to love Him better:

S - implicity of lifestyle
A - cceptance of self and others
M -ission
P - resence
L - istening with love
E - mbracing His cross

The graces of Lent!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Please Do the Work

How truly wonderful it is that at the start of each day we can freely offer up our work life to Him!

"My dearest Lord,
Please do the work
While I simply be your instrument
Lead, and let me follow You."

I find that praying the above makes me excited over the outcome of my work. While in the process of working, I know I am not alone, but that there are two of us caring for what happens, and working hard for the best outcome. When there are difficulties, I can more calmly figure out how best to go about things, knowing that my partner is all-knowing and all-wise. This realization gives me confidence. When things turn out well, I feel a sense joy in recognizing that it is He who did the actual work.

Throughout the preparations for our annual people planning in the office, I would pray the above each morning. Now that the main planning day is over, I look back on the richness of insights and other fruits of the month-long discussion meetings, and just know from the core of my soul that He WAS present and was actively working with us all through out.

"Lord, please do the work."

This is not about laziness to do work by oneself. Rather, it is about asking for the gift of partnership with Him in all things.