"I believe that God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. When I run it is in His pleasure." - Eric Liddell
The movie "Chariots of Fire" is my all-time favorite, and the quote from Eric Liddell about feeling God's pleasure when he would run is really one of the best lines ever! If only each and every one of us could be fully aware of what exactly is the unique and special talent that God has specifically given us, and make developing it and living it out our life's focus. If only like Eric Liddell, we could really feel God's pleasure as we do that which we are really good at.
Inside and outside of my workplace, I love observing and discovering what strengths and gifts people have within them, witnessing how these unfold - get nurtured, stretched, the good effects creatively spread to a wide base of others, and become concrete examples of God's enlivening spirit flowing through people. It is easy to imagine God smiling at what goes on and feeling great pleasure over His gifts planted in the person when its wings spread and take flight.