Friday, December 21, 2007

For the Lay

I asked dear Sr. F how should a lay person who is desirous of paralleling the vows of a religious go about it. And she gave a very insightful response. She said that as a lay person, one could live out the essence of poverty, chastity and obedience in the following way:

POVERTY - Using the resources He gave us FOR His purposes, and in the way that HE wants

CHASTITY - Practicing the fullness of loving

OBEDIENCE - Constant discernment of His will. Unlike the religious, whose obedience is through their superior, for a lay person, obedience is directly to God. However, this requires the faithful practice of discernment and daily examen.

Wow! What she said gives us so much to reflect and pray over. Call me weird, but I find this very exciting! It implies striving for generosity, openness, commitment, all of which are definitely easier said than done. But it also promises a richer, more loving and more meaningful life.

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