While hiking down the mountain last month, these two trees called for our attention. One was tall and slim, and seemed to be standing with grace and confidence. The other was short and leafy, and seemed to be calling us to its shade. Both were different in shape but each was a pleasant sight in its own way.
This reminded me of times in the past when I would feel inadequate in the presence of others who were more beautiful or charming, more articulate, more brilliant or kind, more this or more that.
But the Lord who made both trees special in their own way, also personally made each one of us unique and special in our differences. And He wants us to honor these differences as His own personal GIFTS to us.
Thank you, trees, for reminding me to see our being different from each other as His way of loving each one of us uniquely!

What a beautiful way of looking at things! The photo of the trees might be a good tool for teaching both children and parents this lesson. It's common to hear parents make comparisons between their children, or between their children and others, forgetting that kids may understand a lot more than adults give them credit for. They may not understand every single word, but they draw lessons nevertheless, some of which can be harmful to their self-esteem. So parents need to be taught too.
hi frank,
thanks for your sharing. yes, if only everyone, but most especially little children, could truly believe that they don't have to try to be anyone but themselves, and that the best gift they can give to themselves is to be open to discovering their own unique gifts and potentials... i believe that this is also one of God's deepest desires for us :=)
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