Thursday, June 4, 2020

Musings by the Window

The third week of January this year seems like such a long time ago. That week, I took leave from work to rest and recollect. The early morning air was cool and crisp, and sitting by the window after breakfast became the wonderful highlight of each day.

Life felt quiet and peaceful. And there was an exciting, much-awaited trip to look forward to within the year. Giverny, Lourdes, Provence here we come! Vive la France!  

Then came the lockdown. The quarantine, now almost three months old. Work only from home, most likely until the end of the year. Travel plans for the rest of the year let go. The fear of falling ill or even passing away, isolated and alone. The uncertainty of how long this pandemic will last. What an unexpected turn of circumstances!

These days, when I sit by the window,  the view is still familiar -  colourful fuchsia bougainvilleas,  fresh-looking green sampaguita vines, fan-shaped banana leaves swaying. Still an uplifting site each morning, even with the heat of summer. 

But the reality is, so much has changed! More than anyone had every imagined possible! Who can say for sure where all of these will lead to! For now, we can only acknowledge and try to really accept that we are indeed in liminal and uncertain space and time. Like travellers on a journey into the unknown! 

How to find peace within? How to live and move out of love more than out of fear? How to be present to others while also practicing self-care? Perhaps here is where the practice of sitting still can really help.  Sitting... in silence.. breathing... in... out... in... out... till inner quiet comes... till a certain free-ness enters and lingers. The free-ness to make room for the present reality... to accept the uncertainty... to trust that this moment, and every moment hereafter, is enough... to know that in this moment, His Spirit continues to give life and move me wherever He wills. Many things may change, but the reality of His Spirit and grace is a constant for eternity.

Lord, increase my awareness of You 
in each and every present moment in me.. 
in others.. in the world.. 
and in each and every morning by the window.
You and yours will  always will be 
" the one true thing that really matters"



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