Whenever I visit the Pink Sisters' adoration chapel, one of the first things I do upon entering is to stand in front of the framed image of Our Lady of Czestochowa located at the back of the chapel. Below is an excerpt of the history of her image, taken from the this website: http://www.catholictradition.org/Mary/czesto.htm.
"The Hussites successfully stormed the Pauline monastery in 1430, plundering the sanctuary. Among the items stolen was the image. After putting it in their wagon, the Hussites went a little ways but then the horses refused to go any further. Recalling the former incident that was so similar, the heretics threw the portrait down to the ground, which shattered the image into three pieces. One of the plunderers drew his sword and slashed the image twice, causing two deep gashes; while attempting a third gash, he was overcome with a writhing agony and died. The two slashes on the cheek of the Blessed Virgin, together with the one on the throat, not readily visible in our copy, have always reappeared after artistic attempts to fix them."
I love to run my fingers through her scars even if for someone of limited height, I have to tiptoe to be able to reach those lines! As I do so, I pray to her to intercede for those whom I know are in need of healing, others and myself included. The presence of the scars on her cheek offer much consolation. They seem to be saying, "Yes, I too, have experienced being wounded. I want to show you by the slashes on my cheek that STRENGTH can exist amidst woundedness. I am very much with you and with those you are praying for in your desire for healing. Together let us bring your scars to my son, Jesus."
The lines speak of strength. Of the miracle of healing that is within reach. Of Our Lady of Czestochowa's understanding and offering of herself to us.
Dearest Lady of Czestochowa,
Thank you for those consoling lines that speak! Through them, may we continue to love and honor you and your Son always!
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