Sitting still
Relishing the quiet
Desiring to draw near
To the Source of all that is
"My whole being, I lay open before You
I have no big gift to give
No extraordinary talent, no great accomplishment
No brilliant insight, no strength of personality
All I lay before You
Is this growing desire to be truly with and for You
To see people as they really are, with Your eyes
To listen to their life within, with Your ears
To understand their unspoken needs, with Your heart
To let Your love touch them in simple, little ways
To help them in the little steps they decide to take
In coming home to You
Lord may I ask,
Why does this desire continue to grow and not fade?
Why do the many roads always seem to lead to one road?
This is from You, right?"
Sitting very still
Relishing the quiet
Wanting to stay this way for now
Or for as long He thinks it should take
Like in a cocoon
Wrapped by inner silence
Being still
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