When I heard this song (popularized by the Everly Brothers way back in the 1960's) play this morning, the first thing that came to mind was that the lyrics are also fitting for someone kneeling before Him in adoration. Who said prayer had to be solemn all the time? This cheery old song could equally be a genuine prayer. However, better to insert the word "try", as in "I'll TRY never to hurt you.. TRY never to lie... TRY never to be untrue... TRY never to give you reason to cry... TRY to always be devoted to you..." - to maintain our credibility before Him!
Darling you can count on me
Till the sun dries up the sea
Until then I'll always be
Devoted to you
I'll be yours till endless time
I'll adore your charms sublime
Guess by now you know that I'm
Devoted to you
I'll never hurt you
I'll never lie
I'll never be untrue
I'll never give you reason to cry
I'd be unhappy if you were blue
Through the years our love will grow
Like a river it will flow
It can't die because I'm so
Devoted to you
- Felice & Boudleaux Bryant
Now try shifting perspective, and imagine that it is He who is singing this song to you...
I'll never hurt you
I'll never lie
I'll never be untrue
I'll never give you reason to cry
I'd be unhappy if you were blue
Through the years our love will grow
Like a river it will flow
It can't die because I'm so
Devoted to you

This is so, oh amazing! Am too embarrassed to even think He is singing it to me! Funny thing is, deep inside, I know this is perfectly true!
Yes, so reassuringly true! :=)
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