My image of our beloved Father in heaven is that of a Master Potter who continually fashions and shapes each pot that is on His worktable. Daily He molds the pots into more defined shapes, puts special touches for each, fills in any cracks big or tiny, and dusts away excess or loose powder. Each pot is unique and beautiful and intimately known by Him.
I feel like a little child with little skill, volunteering to be His assistant, lacking in strength to lift the bigger pots, unable to recognize cracks nor to do the finishing touches well for now, but very willing to be directed by Him and to learn whatever it is that He is willing to teach.
Dearest Lord,
I humbly beg to be Your little assistant
If this is also what You desire
May I help you to bring healing to the cracks
And to highlight the goodness and the beauty
In the pots you allow me to assist You with.
Hoping to be,
Your assistant potter
(p.s. photo is more of a carpenter's worktable as i have been unable to find a fitting "potter's table" for now)
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