This artwork is the type of design that one can just sit in front of and get lulled into meditative state. I saw it in a museum and found it quite interesting. (The photo though, does not do justice to the actual work.) When you look at it for a long time, it begins to look like a representation of our core. Each one of us has a center within us, that part of us that is home to the deepest gifts that were given to us.
At work, it is always a joy to help people become more aware of their particular set of skills and talents and to guide them into moving themselves along the path that honors these special talents of theirs. Sometimes people are afraid and would prefer to stay within their comfort zone. Until the pull to move elsewhere or beyond gets stronger and a word of encouragement then goes a long way in helping them take that next bold step. Sometimes, people are confused because they are so good at listening to what everyone tells them about themselves, but are not used to listening to their own inner wisdom. And when they learn to take time off to really listen to their desires and passions, they come much closer to knowing their special gifts that reside in the the core of who they really are.
The most beautiful thing about all these is that touching our core is really touching God. For here at our center, we encounter Him, the creative genius and source of our being.