Thursday, December 11, 2008

Advent Gaze



A time for gazing upon Him

With a heart slowly and quietly

Pondering over the meaning of His gifts

Dearest gentle Mama,

May we stay beside you throughout this Advent season

And with you, allow only His Word to fill our soul

Till it radiates nothing less than the love and the joy

That He wants us to bring to others

You are our precious model

Of a most quiet gaze

And a peaceful pondering heart


Sunday, October 26, 2008

God Within

God's creativity is so amazing. He designed things in such a way that we can experience His presence "in all things", but as if that was not enough and He wanted to lodge Himself so fully within us, He also reserved the deepest part of our very being as the place where He makes His home and where He constantly breathes His life and love.

I feel so blessed to have stumbled upon this article by George Aschenbrenner S.J. entitled, "A Hidden Self Grown Strong", located in the book "Handbook of Spirituality for Ministers" edited by Robert Wicks. It describes our God within us:

"This inner core of a person has a profundity and a simplicity that is literally beyond words. The core of the soul is not a place upon which to take a stand; nor is it a thing to be grasped. To speak of the core of a person in such terms is very misleading. Our deepest center stretches far beyond what can be conceived in clear and distinct ideas and what can be fully expressed in words. As we grow in our appreciation of this personal center, its presence dawns, alluringly shrouded in mist and mystery. Such mysteriousness does not imply cloudy ambiguity. Rather, within the shifting mists of this inner mysterious realm there can dawn a great quiet and clarity of vision. Allowing ourselves to be led further into this core of self facilitates a wonderful process of simplification. Life's complexities fuse into an undaunted simplicity. A noisy world hushes into a resounding quiet. And a polluted heart is stripped clear and clean. This core of the soul is marked by a simple calm and quiet beyond any cataclysmic storms and brutalizing temper tantrums. This deepest core of soul speaks of the infinite simplicity of God and of love beyond words that, even as you now read, is breathing life within you."

Further on in his article, Fr. Aschenbrenner S.J. continues to describe the core of our soul:

"Our most profound and personal experience of God, as mentioned earlier, is in the core of our soul. The core's profundity is not given to intensely exhilarating experiences. Because the waters of our core identity run deep beyond words, God's love is not experienced there like the excitement of cresting and breaking waves of emotion. Rather God's love resounds as a presence perduring and endearing. This profundity of God's perduring presence can produce an inner quiet - like the catching of one's breath - behind and beyond all exciting spontaneity and breathless activity.

At our deepest center we are not actually doing or feeling anything. This is the point where we are - where we are in God, and are continually coming to be in the breath of God's loving Spirit. This center of being, this presence does not completely elude conscious grasp. Moments of prayerful reflection, sometimes carefully attuned to our breathing, can reveal a deep inner calm and quiet, that does not have a deadening effect but rather renews and enlivens. This is holy ground. In the holiness of this quiet sanctuary, with an attractiveness beyond imagining, God's love is grasping, laying claim to and identifying each of us in Christ. It is the still point in the ever turning world of our own person and of the whole cosmos."

May each of us be given the grace to enter the inner core of our soul and discover that holy ground of calm and quiet, the seed bed of God's creative and enlivening Spirit.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Prayer for Oneness

My dearest Lord,

Make my heart wed Thine

May the hole in my heart be one with the cross in Thine

Be the source of all that is

And the source of all that I am

In Thy most gracious love


- at the start of a new spiritual year
& the Feast of St. Therese

Friday, September 19, 2008

A Bruised Reed

An open wound on the leg of a child can remind us of the raw wounds that may still lie buried within us. Even if we may have undergone healing through time, there are still unexpected incidents that can trigger a sudden emergence of these very raw and painful wounds.

A crucifix around a child's neck can remind us that in times of such darkness, we still have Him to just hold on to with trust.

A bruised reed He will not break... a smoldering wick He will not snuff out.

As we experience the rawness of the wounds that we now dare to face, as we seek to uncover the truths that lie within them, we are somehow led much closer to the depth of His compassionate and very tender love for the bruised reed.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Being Still

Sitting still
Relishing the quiet
Desiring to draw near
To the Source of all that is

"My whole being, I lay open before You
I have no big gift to give
No extraordinary talent, no great accomplishment
No brilliant insight, no strength of personality
All I lay before You
Is this growing desire to be truly with and for You

To see people as they really are, with Your eyes
To listen to their life within, with Your ears
To understand their unspoken needs, with Your heart
To let Your love touch them in simple, little ways
To help them in the little steps they decide to take
In coming home to You

Lord may I ask,
Why does this desire continue to grow and not fade?
Why do the many roads always seem to lead to one road?
This is from You, right?"

Sitting very still
Relishing the quiet
Wanting to stay this way for now
Or for as long He thinks it should take

Like in a cocoon
Wrapped by inner silence
Being still

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


When I heard this song (popularized by the Everly Brothers way back in the 1960's) play this morning, the first thing that came to mind was that the lyrics are also fitting for someone kneeling before Him in adoration. Who said prayer had to be solemn all the time? This cheery old song could equally be a genuine prayer. However, better to insert the word "try", as in "I'll TRY never to hurt you.. TRY never to lie... TRY never to be untrue... TRY never to give you reason to cry... TRY to always be devoted to you..." - to maintain our credibility before Him!


Darling you can count on me
Till the sun dries up the sea
Until then I'll always be
Devoted to you

I'll be yours till endless time
I'll adore your charms sublime
Guess by now you know that I'm
Devoted to you

I'll never hurt you
I'll never lie
I'll never be untrue
I'll never give you reason to cry
I'd be unhappy if you were blue

Through the years our love will grow
Like a river it will flow
It can't die because I'm so
Devoted to you

- Felice & Boudleaux Bryant

Now try shifting perspective, and imagine that it is He who is singing this song to you...

I'll never hurt you
I'll never lie
I'll never be untrue
I'll never give you reason to cry
I'd be unhappy if you were blue

Through the years our love will grow
Like a river it will flow
It can't die because I'm so
Devoted to you


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Inner Freedom


To allow all energy from within
to flow freely and naturally

To express what is in my heart
and mind and body and soul
Free from fear of others' opinions

To let love unfold in its own time and way
Free from unhealthy attachments

To follow comfortable timing
Immersed in the joy of the given moment

To be in God 's loving presence
Trusting that He leads the way


Friday, May 30, 2008

Thank You for Your Heart

A heart that provides strength even when it is itself vulnerable

A heart that extends healing even when it is itself hurting
A heart that burns with love even when its very love is unrequited
A heart that gives peace to our ever-restless heart

Thank you dearest Lord, for the gift of your Sacred Heart!

"Thou hast made us for Thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee." - St. Agustine

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Splendour in the Grass

Every year around this time, when the dry season ends and the rains begin, one beautiful site to behold in several places around the city are the blooming fire trees. Their orangeness provides a very colorful and artistic contrast to the green grass and leaves that also spring alive. It is as if the the dry ground and trees parched with thirst all summer suddenly drink their fill of refreshing water.

The orange shower on the green grass here reminds me of the title of an old movie, "Splendour in the Grass". However, unlike the sense of loss that is captured in W. Wordsworth's poem where the title of the movie came from, I only experience a cheerful, enlivening feeling when my eyes feast on the colors!

For the curious, here are some lines from the poem:
Ye that pipe and ye that play,
Ye that through your hearts today
Feel the gladness of the May!
What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.

- Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood (1807)
William Wordsworth

Sunday, May 25, 2008

In Prayer

Dearest Lord,

School me in my ability to listen

To even the slightest of your sighs

Fortify my will to obey You

When in difficult hesitation

May I settle for nothing less

Than to be one with You!

May 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Forever Friend

Everybody needs a little help sometime
No one stands alone
Makes no difference if you're just a child like me
Or a king upon a throne
For there are no exceptions
We all stand in the line
Everybody needs a friend
Let me tell you of mine

He's my forever friend
My leave-me-never friend
From darkest night to rainbow's end
He's my forever friend

Even when I turn away He cares for me
His love no one can shake
Even as I walk away He's by my side
With every breath I take
And sometimes I forget Him
My halo fails to shine
Sometimes I'm not His friend
But He is always mine

If you still don't know the one I'm talking of
I think it's time you knew
Long ago and far away upon a cross
My friend died for you
So if you'd like to meet Him
And don't know what to do
Ask my friend into you heart
And He'll be your friend too

- Charlie Landsborough

Monday, May 12, 2008

Shelter Me

When I cannot close my eyes

And the night goes on
Troubles taunt on every side
And my doubt is strong
Shelter me, shelter me
Let the thought of your compassion
Be my strength
Prince of Peace, shelter me
From the tempest of my unbelief
Mighty God who calmed the sea
Come and shelter me
Do your promises still stand?
Does your mercy cease?
By the power of your hand
Grant me my release

- Joe Beck/Billy Sprague/Bruce Carroll,
sung so beautifully by John McDermott

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bringing Him to the Workplace

"Sometimes it may seem to us that there is no purpose in our lives, that going day after day for years to this office or that school or factory is nothing else but waste and weariness. But it may be that God has sent us there because but for us Christ would not be there. If our being there means that Christ is there, that alone makes it worth while." - C. Houselander

Although work has been a source of fulfillment and meaning, for each of us, there are also those times when weariness from work sets in and we begin to question how much have we really done to bring others closer to Him. The words above offer some consolation.

Even as we pray quietly in our seat at the start of the day or at the start of an important meeting, or when we patiently listen to a co-worker or give our full attention to an issue needing resolution, it is not just us but also Christ in us who is doing these. When we carefully plan a next course of action, or when we spend time perfecting execution of a task, He is quietly active within us and working through us. We carry Him around wherever we go.

If we can truly believe this, then we can smile in the happy thought that we have indeed brought Him in the midst of the people around us. How wonderful it is to know that the going day after day for years to our workplace means that we have actually carried His Presence there too day after day!

"If our being there means that Christ is there, that alone makes it worth while."

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Place for You

In the gospel last Friday (and then again on Sunday) our Lord said: "Do not let your hearts be troubled; trust in God and trust in me. In my Father's house there are many rooms. Otherwise I would not have told you that I go to prepare a place for you. After I have gone and prepared a place for you, I will come back again and take you to me, so that where I am, you also may be..." (John 14:1-3)

"Trust in me... I go to prepare a place for you... I will come back again and take you to me... where I am, you may also be..."

How could the creator of everything in this whole wide universe also be so personal in the way He communicates to us? Here is the Lord of all, giving the "speck of dust" in His hand so much importance and reassurance. Only Infinite Love can be that way!

Dear Lord, the fullness of your words still escapes my comprehension.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Fresh Like Spring

Pass It On
by Kurt Kaiser

It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing;
That's how it is with God's Love,
Once you've experienced it,
You spread the love to everyone
You want to pass it on.

What a wondrous time is spring,
When all the tress are budding
The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming;
That's how it is with God's love,
Once you've experienced it.
You want to sing, it's fresh like spring,
You want to pass it on.

I wish for you my friend
This happiness that I've found;
You can depend on God
It matters not where you're bound,
I'll shout it from the mountain top
I want the world to know
The Lord of love has come to me
I want to pass it on.

Someone once shared, "Your love for the Lord will last, but the beautiful feeling might not. So enjoy and relish it while you can. It's grace God gives so we will know Him more intimately and serve Him more generously."

From the freshness of God's love springs forth our own love for Him! And as this happens, He gives us the grace to relish it and the desire to pass it on.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Mhay-Mhay is the youngest girl in her family of six. Two years ago, when she was ten years old, her father abandoned the family, and Mhay-Mhay was forced to stop her schooling. She began to sell sampaguita in the streets to help the family have food to eat. Soon after, she practically lived in the streets and began actively engaging in smoking and rugby sniffing, just like so many other street children. In a matter of time, her mother fell ill and died of tuberculosis. Mhay-Mhay was then brought to a temporary shelter. Last month, she visited her home, but only to find out the sad news that her two older sisters whom she used to turn to for emotional support, were now nowhere to be found. She misses her mother and her sisters very much.

In a recent role play session in therapy, Mhay-Mhay chose the role of the "bunso" in the family. While the other kids gathered around an ailing mother, she kept to a corner and pretended to play a piano. She did this all throughout the role play, never uttering a word but just quietly playing the imaginary piano. Later on, she explained that she purposely chose this action because when her mother was alive, she had wanted so badly to give joy to her mother through music, hoping to ease her mother's pain and take her mind away from her illness. "Para po malibang yung Nanay ko, tumutugtog po ako." As she said this, tears streamed down her cheeks.

Oh Mhay-Mhay, what a genuinely caring heart you have within you! Despite all the bleakness and roughness you were exposed to in your young life, you wanted so badly to make your mother happy. You knew how to give her love,and you tried to give it to her in a special way when she was very sick.

Imagine what this girl could potentially be in the future, if the goodness in this heart of hers is nourished within a caring environment. If only all the children in the streets could be given a chance to live within an environment that respects their right and need to be loved and looked after. How much good can surely spring forth from within them!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


The start of summer always feels like the turning of the pages of a book into a new chapter, especially as another school year ends. The words of the song "Sunrise, Sunset" in the movie "Fiddler on the Roof" remind us to treasure the special blessings of the children's growing years. These are years more precious than gold.

"Dearest Lord, we thank you no end, for the gift of their lives unfolding. Please continue to bless them always!"


Is this the little girl I carried?

Is this the little boy at play?
I don't remember growing older
When did they?

When did she get to be a beauty?
When did he get to be so tall?
Wasn't it yesterday
When they were small?

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Joy

Holy Week each year is such a special time of being with the Lord. It's like staying beside your best friend as he or she goes through the greatest trial of his or her life. Letting him or her know that although we can not fully enter into his or her pain that is beyond human comprehension, we still hope that somehow our full presence beside Him can provide even a second of comfort and even a tiny relief in the weight of the cross He carries.

Amazing though how the Lord is never outdone in generosity. Whenever we try to give of ourselves to Him, He gives us more graces than we can hold and leaves us with a tender feeling of being loved so specially.

Interesting how in the past few days, the talks given by different priests from different places all seemed to revolve around the same theme. Either that was true or I may have been selectively listening.

A few days before the week began, we received from Fr. M. an excerpt from the book "The Reed of God". What beautiful insights on faith! It said that, "With faith we are like blind people learning, through the touch of caressing fingers, the features of the face that we cannot see... We discover the Face that we seek in every human face... we must seek with a more sensitive medium than sight.. we discern the invisible beauty of the Man abiding in mankind..."

Then during Holy Thursday, the talk in the morning revolved around the many faces of "the greatest love of all" and the truth that "nothing can separate us from the love of God." I thought to myself, we have heard this many times before and it makes everything seem so simple, and yet, how to really believe it with every fiber of my being and allow this love of His to really flow through to whoever He wishes it to reach... I couldn't help thinking that the talk was all about love, and yet unlike Valentines, here it was love within the embrace of the our cross/His cross... Then as if the Lord really wanted to drive home the point about His love and banish all doubts or lukewarm understanding of it, the homilist in the evening mass so eloquently reminded us about Pope Benedict's letter on hope, where he refers to "the INDESTRUCTIBLE LOVE of God" as the source of all our strength and hope. Meaningful beyond words!

After the mass, I wanted so much to sit in darkness and silence in front of the tabernacle. But the church was full of sounds and light, and people coming and going. I finally lifted it to Him saying, "Lord, you know how I really wish to be alone with you in the Garden on this night, to keep you company, to be with you in your agony." As I left the chapel and took a walk in the garden, I suddenly noticed a life-sized statue of our Lord on his knees in prayer. It was very dark, but the full moon peeking through the trees gave the sky a certain glow. I sat on the bench beside this statue and closed my eyes... What a pleasant surprise to be able to pray with Him alone, in silence, in the Garden... It was like a gift being received to suddenly be in the very setting I had just a few minutes earlier expressed to Him. The love of God never outdone!

At the start of Lent, I had asked for the grace to know His thoughts and feelings as He carried his cross and that somehow I could be with Him in it. I feel a tender feeling inside when I recall now how on Good Friday, sometime around dusk, while sharing with Him the heaviness I felt from wanting others to also discover the greatness of His love but somehow being met with responses different from what was hoped for, His words came and came in abundance. He reminded me to "Accept and take people where they are..." that love for Him can not be forced but only encouraged... that what I could do is to just continue sharing His love with them, allowing His love to flow to them... that His great love that He wanted to give them but that they were not really ready or open to receive yet... that is what He carries as His cross... and that I also help carry His cross whenever I also feel His hurt and pain, while taking people where they are with understanding and love, and just continue to let His love flow to them. Together we can carry the cross.. believing in that promise of our Father's "indestructible love", drawing strength from there and holding on to the hope that it promises...

Lord, with all these, what more can we say?

Then to top it all, the Easter Vigil was such a beautiful way to close the solemn days and to open up a new year of renewed faith, hope and love. It all came together. A reassurance of moving in the right direction, of our shared mission to bring His love where He wills, to those whom He wants to reach. The homilist flashed on screen photos of the many faces of Christ as hidden within people, especially people within our own country who live in poverty and hunger both materially, psycho-emotionally, spiritually - "...the features of the face that we cannot see... the Face that we seek in every human face... the invisible beauty of the Man abiding in mankind..."

Of all the versions of "Ang Puso Ko'y Nagpupuri", I really like the one sung acapela by the Hangad choir. I would often play it in the car, and it never fails to leave my heart feeling like it would want to burst with love for Him. Last night, it was the Hangad choir who sang at mass. And lo and behold, at the very end of the mass, they burst into song, filling the whole church with "Ang Puso Ko'y Nagpupuri"! A taste of heaven!!!

"Lord, what more can I say? From the very start, with the beautiful excerpts sent to us, to the insightful talks on Holy Thursday, to our being together in the Garden at night, to your revelation on how to really be with you daily in the carrying of your cross, our cross, to the beautiful music played last night, the words of the song which You know very well speaks of overflowing love... You are really such a generous God!"

He is a universal God and yet also so personal.

Happy Easter!

(Photo of Jesus: by F. Chow)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Seed First

Recently eight of us high school classmates had a really fun trip together in Davao. 30 years (!?!!) of out high school, it was a special number of days get together - gamely posing for the camera at every opportunity, very hearty appetites inspite of all the talk about diet and aging, screaming our heads off in the wild water rafting whenever huge waves threatened to throw us off board! It was really great that we were all able to take off from our busy schedules to do this trip, hopefully the first of more to come.

Our trip got me thinking about the words of one of our favorite mass songs during high school and what they mean now. (The '70s was the era of guitar and pop music at mass.) I though about how each of us girls have since gone on different roads, how our life journeys have unfolded so far, and continue to unfold. How for us and also for so many others as young (hehe) as us, after three decades, this song takes on so much more meaning now than when we first began to sing it. Yes, we have learned, there's so much, we have learned.

(from the album of Lorie Lieberman)

The seed first, and then the flower
The chime first, and then the hour
The cloud burst, and then the shower
She must learn, there's so much she must learn

The danger, and then the warning
The loving, and then the scorning
The passing, and then the mourning
She must learn, there's so much she must learn

Long ago, yesterday, the world was an apple in her hand
First you taste enough, to understand
Then the new day came to wake her
And the old clock came to take her from the fair

She thinks first, before she feels now
She asks first, if love is real now
She knows life, and she can deal now
She has learned, there's so much she has learned (2x)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

With You in Lent

Dearest Lord,

I pray that for the remainder of this Lenten Season
You will allow me to know more intimately
What thoughts and feelings you experienced
As You carried Your cross on the road to Calvary

If it means spending more time alone with You
Then may I purposely prioritize more time with You in prayer
If it means being highly attuned to your presence around me
Then my I listen with great care as You speak through others

If You want me to venture outside of my comfort zone
May I wholeheartedly and courageously do so for You
If it somehow means experiencing pain or suffering
As long as it is for You, then without a doubt it will still be worth it

May I be like Simon of Cyrene
Assisting You as You carry Your cross
Letting You know that You are not alone
And hopefully lightening Your heavy burden even just a bit

Bless this desire to be one with You in thoughts and feelings
Purify it so that it goes beyond being just mere words
Transform it into a more committed and purer love for You
That can somehow provide You comfort along Your way to Calvary

Thank you, dearest Lord.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Going to Our Center

This artwork is the type of design that one can just sit in front of and get lulled into meditative state. I saw it in a museum and found it quite interesting. (The photo though, does not do justice to the actual work.) When you look at it for a long time, it begins to look like a representation of our core. Each one of us has a center within us, that part of us that is home to the deepest gifts that were given to us.

At work, it is always a joy to help people become more aware of their particular set of skills and talents and to guide them into moving themselves along the path that honors these special talents of theirs. Sometimes people are afraid and would prefer to stay within their comfort zone. Until the pull to move elsewhere or beyond gets stronger and a word of encouragement then goes a long way in helping them take that next bold step. Sometimes, people are confused because they are so good at listening to what everyone tells them about themselves, but are not used to listening to their own inner wisdom. And when they learn to take time off to really listen to their desires and passions, they come much closer to knowing their special gifts that reside in the the core of who they really are.

The most beautiful thing about all these is that touching our core is really touching God. For here at our center, we encounter Him, the creative genius and source of our being.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Time Out!

Since this year began, it's been a series of happenings one after another. Lots of good things but also several tragic happenings, like the sudden death of a very good friend of over 20 years, sudden deaths of a high school classmate, another of an officemate, a relative suffering a stroke, several other officemates undergoing major surgeries... wow, it's almost unbelievable how these are happening one after another!!

If you also find yourself in the midst of sudden tragedies, or if you are now amidst a buzz of activities and feel you are running around like a headless chicken, you may also need to TIME OUT!!

Our spirit needs nourishment, even for just a while.

I want to share with you these photos of breathtaking beauty. The photos do not do justice to the actual scene, but they do capture a bit of the natural splendor. Sky, mountains, hills, trees, greens...

You may just sit still and gaze over it, and allow your mind and heart to be present to the beauty and splendor of what you see... Or, you may imagine it to be like a soft mat that you can lie on and rest for a while...

All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful
The Lord God made them all!
(by Cecil Alexander)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Made Special In Our Differences

While hiking down the mountain last month, these two trees called for our attention. One was tall and slim, and seemed to be standing with grace and confidence. The other was short and leafy, and seemed to be calling us to its shade. Both were different in shape but each was a pleasant sight in its own way.

This reminded me of times in the past when I would feel inadequate in the presence of others who were more beautiful or charming, more articulate, more brilliant or kind, more this or more that.

But the Lord who made both trees special in their own way, also personally made each one of us unique and special in our differences. And He wants us to honor these differences as His own personal GIFTS to us.

Thank you, trees, for reminding me to see our being different from each other as His way of loving each one of us uniquely!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Prayer for Healing

Prayer for Healing
written by Fr. Fernando Suarez CC, who is Canada-based but who has been going around the country recently (, is a very consoling and powerful prayer. It's a prayer most apt when sitting in His loving presence. The photo here was taken at the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters Chapel in Tagaytay, a must-visit place for someone longing to sit quietly in His presence amidst cool and peaceful surroundings...

by Fr. Fernando Suarez CC

Lord, look upon me with eyes of mercy.
May your healing Spirit rest upon me.
It is through your power that I was created.
Since you created me from nothing, you can certainly recreate me.
Fill me with the healing power of your spirit.
May your life-giving powers flow into every cell of my body and into the depths of my soul.
Mend what is broken.
Cast out anything that should not be within me.
Rebuild my brokenness.
Restore my strength for service in your Kingdom.
Touch my soul with Your compassion for others.
Touch my heart with Your courage and infinite love for all.
Touch my mind with your wisdom, that my mouth may always proclaim Your praise.
Teach me to reach out to You in my need, and help me to lead others to You by my example.
Most loving Heart of Jesus, bring me health in body and spirit that I may serve You with all my strength.